FORS Registration

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the level of quality within fleet operations, and to demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.
AT&T GB Ltd recognise the importance of FORS and regard our participation in the scheme to be strategically important to our commercial success, as increasingly our customers require us to demonstrate an enhanced competence in delivering goods to their sites. The requirements of the three FORS quality levels endorse our objective of a ‘Best Practise’ mindset across our entire logistics operations, which is why we are working to achieve Silver and Gold accreditation. This will see us invest in upgrading our fleet management processes, management and driver training and enhanced vehicle safety and efficiency. We are also working with our own partners and upstream suppliers to encourage their own participation in FORS.
Fleet Management
Ensuring our logisitcs Policies and Procedures are implemented and monitored is key the smooth and efficient running of the flexible delivery options we offer our customers. We maintain a fleet performance managment system to identify areas where we can improve our operations and a FORS annual audit also helps us to maintain high standards of reporting and recording.
Operating and maintaining safe, well driven and efficient vehicles is a fundemental principle of our logistics service. All our vehicles carry heighened visibility markings and warning signs to alert other road users. We also equip our fleet with vehicle telematics and the latest technology to assist our drivers to be aware of any other road user or obstruction close to the vehicle.
Fuel economy is an obsession for us as a fleet operator. Our drivers are the biggest single influencer in being able to make our vehicles go further for less. Using the FORS defensive driving tuition course has proven to help reduce our fuel costs.
As networks become increasingly congested, road safety awareness has never been more important. As part of our committment to being a responsible fleet operator we recognise the duty of care we have towards our vehicle drivers and other road users, particularly cyclist and pedestrians. Our van drivers receive up to 20 hours of FORS e-learning training to equip them with the skill set to become a safer, more diligent and more defensive driver. An ‘on-your-bike’ pratical module puts drivers in the saddle to experience a cyclist’s view of the road, helping drivers to appreciate the very real dangers faced by road users every day. Our HGV drivers undergo a further programme of training to heighen their skills to drive safely in an urban environment.